I had to rub my eyes in wonder when I saw that my last post to this blog was in January. That just doesn't seem possible. As I'm sure it feels to you all as well, time just keeps speeding up. Sorry I don't share as much of our family life as I used to with you. It sort of feels like we're in another transition period. We spend more time at home during the winter months and there just isn't a lot to photograph or share, it seems. When we lived in Maryland, we were always on the go 'seeing and doing'. Here, we're more just 'being'. I'm sure as the summer months approach, I'll have more to share with all of you. Here is a start. I'll actually have two posts for today, since I've split up some weekend photos. This post is a strange assortment. Lol.... I guess this blog does capture our lives pretty well after all!
I'll try to save him as much embarrassment as possible, but you can guess what happened in the Krauss Haus this weekend. Yep, you got it-- a shaving lesson. Holy smokes. Where is my little, blonde, curly-haired boy that used to toddle around pointing at planes in the sky? See, I'll stop right there. If I don't acknowledge it too much, it can't possibly be really happening, right?
Not to mention he's taller and heavier than me now. Em's comparison is just in there for comic relief. =) |
And on to Easter morning, eggs, candy, family and pets......
Hope you all had a great Easter weekend. As you'll be able to see in my next post, we did!