These three photos do not give an accurate depiction of the craziness that has taken place in our home this past week. We've accepted the referral of our little girl (who currently resides in China, by the way), pretty much agreed on what her name will be (maybe....), and grown accustomed to the idea of having a little one toddling around the house in the very near future. And, that's just the big stuff. Now it's time for the details: packing preparations for China; baby-proofing the house; 'what will she wear?!'; diapers- holy smokes, which brand?!; bottles...hmmmm; carseat; toys; and the list goes on. Yes, we're overwhelmed. We're thrilled, but we're still overwhelmed. Over the past few months, in preparation for our referral and having no power over anything else, I began working on the gifts for the orphanage director, orphanage nannies and provincial officials. I also crocheted 4 blankets to give to the orphanage. Last week, now that we know how small she is not, I gathered up all the 0-12 months clothes we'd been given and got them ready to take to the orphanage as well. Everything you see in the suitcase below will stay in China. Holy mother of a suitcase! The thing weighs 46 pounds. It's complete now, all zipped up, strapped (God forbid the thing bust open!!) and ready to go. I love lists, and now that's one item (well, actually several) I can scratch off.
Last year, in the upheaval that was our move and in conjunction with the 5+ year adoption wait, Sven and I made the command decision to give everything away that we'd been collecting: toys, highchair, car seats, bottles, strollers, monitors and clothes. EVERYTHING. You can imagine the gut-sinking feeling we've had trying to replace everything now that it IS actually going to happen. It hasn't been easy-- physically, emotionally or financially. But, we have rationalized that this purging must have needed to take place as part of our adoption journey- a sort of confirmation that beyond the odds, this was supposed to happen-- simple and easy or not. Bringing this baby home is the most important thing, the rest is only details-- stuff. So, thanks to some wonderful donations through a friend's church, we've started the accumulation process again. We're doing fairly well, I'd say. Last week was the week of panic that 'she'll be naked!!'. We had to fix that-- but sensibly. Sven and I made not one, not two, but THREE trips to Goodwill last week (ok, maybe not so sensible by trip 3, but go with it). It's actually quite humorous. The first visit we were in denial about her actual size (yes, we already had our referral, but we were still in denial that she could possibly be that big!), and we purchased items in the 9-12 month range. Trip 2 brought the realization that maybe we'd gone a little small, so we scoured over the 12-18 month size. Three days and a dozen loads of laundry later, I worried this baby was going to be squeezed into everything we had purchased so far. So, back to Goodwill for sizes 18-24 months. (Hey, I have nothing against Goodwill-- especially when we live in the 6th wealthiest county in the country!) Anyway, so the photo below is a small sampling of the clothes we have ready for our little girl. The fun part (no, not at all, actually....) was trying to minimize what clothes we would take to China for her while not knowing which of the three size categories are going to fit her! But, at least she won't be NAKED!