It's been a couple of weeks now and we're finally coming down from our celebratory high. Sven's retirement ceremony and the days before and after were a huge success. We felt the love surrounding us as Sven took that final step and was 'piped ashore' saying goodbye to our Navy life. Our wonderful photographer friend, Tami Muscha, flew in from Florida to capture this event for us. (She must have read my thoughts when I told Sven "if only you were retiring in Pensacola then Tami could photograph the ceremony for us!") She will provide the photos for the event and a few behind the scenes as well. It was a huge weight off my shoulder, and I only got my own camera out for a few family pics during the weekend. (Thank you again, Tami, your presence for all of this was so wonderful!!) Yep, the following photos were the only ones I took! We eagerly await Tami's photos of the ceremony. The ones we've seen so far are amazing. You can see these sneak pics too at:
Tamara Muscha Photography: Military Sneak Peek. Thank you to everyone who was able to travel here for the event. Thanks also to those who could not attend but sent us your wishes. Every sentiment was appreciated-- thank you. We couldn't have asked for a better send off into our new lives. Yes, a new life that will look a lot like our old life: Sven's job is essentially the same (whatever that is!) but the paycheck will no longer come from the Navy, we will remain in Colorado-- same house for us, same schools for the kids. It may not SEEM like a big change for those on the outside looking in, but it's a fundamental switch in mentality knowing that the Navy is no longer at the helm for the big decisions in our lives. It's quite a feeling! Let the next chapter begin!
Arvo (Remember him? The best man at our wedding and a great friend to both Sven and I over the years... many, many years) and Emalie having a snowball fight with what's left in the backyard. CA boy was a little out of and he may have underestimated Emalie's competitive streak. Ha! |
Dad and Mary Jo flew in from Pittsburgh. |
Arvo and Sven |
Arvo, Sven and me.... the KP trio. You can bet this pic will be in the next alumni magazine! (But why do I look like I'm 4' tall?!) |
Dad, Emalie and Sven |
Dad, Emalie and Mary Jo |
Emalie loved, loved, LOVED 'the big guy'! |
Sven's mom flew in from Seattle. |
Our dear friend (and awesome photographer) Tami Muscha with Emalie. With six kids of her own, Tami knew the sweet spots of Emalie's heart. It was so fun to see Emalie love our friends as much as we do!
Fun, fun, fun! I hope everyone enjoyed the festivities as much as we did. I'll share Tami's pics when we receive them. I will not be able to take credit for them, that will all go to Tami! Stay tuned to see JUST how much fun we had!