Friday, November 30, 2018

11-25, Broncos vs Steelers

Last week really was a crazy Broncos week for us.  In talking to Dee during his visit, he told me about an Instagram contest he was hosting.  The winner would receive four tickets to the Broncos/Steelers game.  As you can imagine, Sven and Nik's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, and then Dee said the tickets were in the BRONCOS Friends and Family section.  LOL.....then MY eyes lit up!  Fast forward a week..... and I WON the contest!!  (The contest was for the best retouch of an image taken by Dee and judged by a panel of 4 judges- not including Dee so there wouldn't be any bias.)  The below screenshot is Dee's photo with my retouching announcing that I won the tickets.  Woohoo!!  Next concern: are Sven and Nik physically able to contain themselves at a Steelers (I mean Broncos) game and not cheer for the home team's opponent?!  Yeah, I had some major concerns here, too.  Obviously, it was very important to Dee that whoever won the contest conduct themselves accordingly and respect the team and location of the seats.  

The BIGGEST Broncos fan is ready for the game!

I'd always wondered about the 'Broncos bus' that picks up fans at the stop at the entrance of our neighborhood on game day.  (Normally, a commuter bus but on game days a fan bus.) Everyone is always decked out in their jerseys and Broncos paraphernalia- quite an orange sight. I always pictured the riders cheering and chanting all the way to the game.  I guess that was just a figment of my imagination, lol.  This is what it was really like. Riding the bus was SO much better than driving and dealing with game day traffic.  AND, it was a fraction of the cost of parking and it dropped us off right next to the stadium.  Score!

The closest thing Sven could get to wearing his Black and Gold.  Yet, he's still wearing a smile.  A hesitant smile, but a smile nonetheless.  He's not the only one with a hesitant smile, I'm still not convinced he can be a 'big boy' and conceal his inner Steeler for this game.

We're pretty sure that the person we asked to take this photo of us is a girlfriend of one of the players.

Look at where we sat!  How often are there more people ABOVE you at a game?! 

The Broncos players entering the field.

So what are these guys doing in the Broncos Friends and Family section?! 
Yep, like adding fuel to the fire of Sven's Terrible Towel addiction.....

Baby Girl is happy as ever.

I never imagined that we'd be so close to the field that the cameramen would obstruct our view.

LOL..... I took these with my PHONE.  I'm still amazed at how close we were to the field.

You all know I'm pretty 'football dumb'.  I get lost in the games because I never know where the ball is (embarrassingly true).  Look!  It's right there, and I can see it with my naked eyes!

The infectious roar of the crowd and energy of the players was awesome!

Sorry, Sven, Nik and all other Steelers fans.  Broncos won this one 24-17.  What a great game!  (And, yes, that's coming from ME! =).....)

Thursday, November 29, 2018

11-20, A Visit from a Bronco!

It feels like a lot has transpired in the last week.  Two weeks ago, I reached out to a photographer here in Parker who was highlighted in a local magazine spotlighting the charity foundation he began in honor of his daughter (she passed away in July 2017 at 24 years of age).  The mission of his organization is to capture quality photos for families with terminally ill children.  (He discovered how few non-phone photos he had of his daughter after she passed. You can learn more about the organization at I strongly believe in donating my skills for higher purposes and have teamed up with Johnnie to help build this organization.  

After meeting Johnnie for a lengthy, introductory coffee, I invited Johnnie to my studio to teach him about studio lighting.  He asked if he could bring another photographer and attached this photo to the message:

WOW, right?!  Meet Deiontrez Mount, Broncos Linebacker #53.  He has agreed to be the Life Through The Lens ambassador.  He also happens to be an avid photographer who wants to learn studio lighting as well.  So, there you have it.  That's the story of how this craziness came to be, and how we had a Bronco visit our family!  Johnnie, Dee and his girlfriend ended up hanging out for over 3 hours in my studio.  (Wouldn't you know that's the first time the kids have ever hung out in the studio that long?!).  Sven couldn't believe his eyes when he came home from work that evening to the impromptu photo party we were having and who the guest of honor was.  And the best part?  Dee is a SUPER nice person (and so is his girlfriend)!  This will be a memory that won't be soon forgotten!

You know..... just playing ball with a Bronco!

I've never seen Nik so happy to share his bag of chips.  Lol.

Dee signing Em's Broncos helmet and football.

Dee's Instagram story.....

Ha!  And MY Instagram story.

Johnnie Medina, founder of Life Through The Lens.  I normally don't show arms and hands in my headshots, but this inclusion has special meaning.  Makayla was wearing the braided bracelet when she died and Johnnie requested it be in the photo.

Deiontrez Mount, Broncos Linebacker and Life Through The Lens Ambassador

His super cute and friendly girlfriend. =)

We were so psyched that night like "did that REALLY just happen?!"  What a great, great experience!