For all of you that haven't had a chance to visit us yet or those who may not get to, I thought I would share our home with you now that we're mostly settled in. "Sister's" room is the only one in the house not finished, but with the rate of adoption referrals these days unfortunately there is no hurry. So, come take the tour ..........
This is the front living room and room you enter from the front door. We don't spend too much time in here....mostly watching some TV at night after collapsing onto the couch!

This is a photo of our office (well, Sven's actually). It was taken while standing in the front living room and looking back across the entryway.

This living area is where we spend most of our time. It's where we cook, eat, exercise (thus the treadmill), watch tv, play, and I spend countless hour working at the computer on my photography. It may not result in the most eye-appealing room(s), but it's definitely the most used in the house!
The photo on the left is our master bedroom and the other is of Nikolas' room.

And last but not least, there is always room for company!! This our guest room and guest/Nikolas' bathroom. Please come visit us!