Sunday, October 21, 2012

10-15, Denver Zoo

Nikolas had fall break from school this last week.  It was a busy week with appointments and Sven's work schedule, but we at least wanted to get out and enjoy a family day together.  Fortunately, the weather was beautiful.  Unfortunately, Emalie had a cold.  We made the most of it as best we could and took Emalie for her first trip to the zoo.  It was hard to tell if she enjoyed it or not. I think she absorbed some of what she saw, because at bedtime she was a chatterbox of animal noises.  It's interesting visiting the zoo with a 10 year old and 1 year old.  Their interests and attention spans are on opposite ends of the spectrum.  It's fun to think back to when Nikolas was younger and we couldn't get him to stop at one exhibit for more than a minute.  It will be neat to see the ways the two are similar and different as they grow!