Thursday, May 23, 2013

5-15, Emalie's Many Faces

I need to take more pictures.  I realize I took A LOT of photos of Nikolas when he was Emalie's age.  I was in the middle of my New York Institute of Photography course, and I practiced my photography everyday.  Of course, that was back in the day of film when I had to drive 40 minutes across town (Pensacola, back then) to get the film developed after I finished the roll(s).  So really, I have no excuse not to take photos these days.....except I think driving across town would actually be more convenient than carving out the time necessary to edit the photos on the computer!   Anyway, here are some pictures of Emalie from the last few weeks.  As you can see, she's quite a character!

Nikolas got these glasses (no lenses) at a day camp last summer.  He gave them to Emalie.  She wore them non-stop for the better part of two days.  It was fine around the house, but we did get some looks around town!

I attempted to take Emalie to a play with a friend last week.  Whew-- won't be doing that again for awhile.  Let's just say that the usher said, "Yes, she is a bit restless" when we left halfway through!  Oh well, at least she got to wear a cute dress.

On our way to our first Mommy & Daughter outing to the theater.

I am not a natural light photographer.  As I was taking these photos of Emalie, it strengthened the reasons why I am not.  Soft and subtle is just not my style.  Freezing moments in time (yes, with my flash) is the way I roll.  But, I see no reason not to practice the way the other half live, right?  And with a cute face like this, I could practice all day!  Such sweetness.