Wednesday, November 11, 2009

11-11, Heather's Visit

I had the best weekend and I owe it to my best friend, Heather, for flying out from Denver to spend it with us. (And to my husband for being our tour guide and 'letting us be' to reconnect!) Heather and I have tried to plan a 'girls weekend' for years now. It had been 3 years since she lasted visited us when we lived in Silverdale. I was SO EXCITED for her visit.... and then the night before her arrival, I found out that my grandfather had passed away. I was really upset about this news. This is the grandfather that I've shared my birthday with every June since I was born..... there will always be a void without him with us now. So, the night before Heather's arrival I was worried about ruining her trip and our 'catch-up' time because of my mood. From the minute Heather landed, she lifted me out of my sadness and I was able to 'function' again. We enjoyed three wonderful days of talking, sightseeing, baking, bonding and laughing. She knows better than anyone what it's like to lose someone you love-- she lost her mother to breast cancer last year. Her sympathy and understanding have really helped me cope. But now, Heather is back home and I find I'm sad-- sad for the loss of my grandfather (I guess you can't skip the phases of grief like I was so hoping I could....) and sad that my best friend lives so far away and our visits so few. But, I know there are reasons to be thankful. I'm thankful for the wonderful family that I have to share my memories with and thankful for my best friend who truly is family to me.

What I remember from my childhood memories with Heather: GIGGLING!

the Washington Monument in the background
Nice horsies and policemen keeping us safe in D.C.

the Lincoln Memorial

the Korean War Memorial
Heather had one wish for her tour of DC- to see the National Cathedral. We were happy to take her to see it because we had never been there ourselves. We were in AWE of its beauty. What a sight. We were even able to sit in on part of the Marine Corps Worship Service in celebration of the Marine Corps' 234th birthday-- Semper Fi! (We were thinking of you, dad, and wishing you could have been there with us!)
We were able to go see Heather's uncle who lives in the DC area and have dinner with him (thank you for dinner, 'Uncle' Gary!!). It was so nice to see the two of them catch-up and spend time together. I know they both miss Heather's mom (Gary's sister) dearly. At least together, they can share their memories.
Who do you think is stronger-- Heather or Nikolas? I don't know....Heather's pretty active with our rock-climbing and all that...!

Heather and I enjoyed a nice, brisk, long walk around base. The weather was unusually warm and we loved the chance to take advantage of it.

And before we knew it (as I always seem to say in my posts), it was time for Heather to go back to Denver. I thought about keeping her captive because I had really enjoyed having her here. Thanks again, Heather, for a wonderful, wonderful weekend!!