Wednesday, April 19, 2017

4-18, A day in the life of a 6-year old

As you know, yesterday was Emalie's birthday.  She was all smiles from bedtime the night before to bedtime the day of.  She kept saying, "I just love being 6!!"  I hope she enjoyed her special day as much as we enjoyed our special time with her!

At her last bedtime being 5, I asked her what she thought the best part of being 6 would be.  She said, "learning valuable lessons."  What six year old says that?!?  What a smartie she is!

Emalie's birthday breakfast-- her colored Easter egg.... with a photo bomb from her dad.

Her karate school sent her this birthday wish.  She said, "How did they know I like Spiderman."  My response, "Seriously?!?!"  Lol.....

A little Em face amidst all her birthday balloons.

Em and I had special mom and daughter time at the movie matinee:
"Boss Baby".

She received a lot of great gifts (thank you, everyone!).  This was one of her favorites from her brother-- a remote control, red guy on an ATV.  She's been asking for that for about 4 months!!

Her dinner choice after karate class:  the hibachi grill at Mt. Fuji.  

I had to laugh when we told the server it was her birthday.  She said, "I remember- she told me last week".  Hahaha.
How sweet they brought her a birthday dessert.  I was surprised she didn't crawl under the table when the tambourine came out and everyone starting singing!  
The festivities were wrapped up with the cake we made together earlier in the day-- Grandma O's chocolate cake recipe.  Pretty cute how she insisted on spelling out her entire name on the cake with the candies.
I'd say birthday #6 was a success!

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