Oh, boy, when you talk football in our house, you're talking something really, really serious. "Steelers all the way, baby". Those of you who know me know that's 180 out from MY perspective (nothing against the Steelers, just football in general), but Sven is a die-hard Steeler fan and he's training Nikolas to follow in his footsteps.
This is the playoff game a few weeks back. Somehow the Steelers always manage to hit it big when we're living in an area where it's pretty unpopular to be a Steelers fan, ie playing Seattle, Baltimore, etc. Once again, the Steelers prevailed and Sven and Nikolas were able to rub that in with the Ravens fans around here. =)
We DID let Nikolas stay up for the game.....see? He's NOT in his bed! =)
Ok, moving right along....now we're to the BIG DAY....you got it....Superbowl Sunday. (By the way, Heather W., we made your baked rigatoni in honor of the occassion....thanks for sharing such a great recipe!).
We again let Nikolas stay up for the game.....thankfully he fell asleep before the Steelers fell behind in the second half....boy would THAT have upset him....
.....it SURELY upset Sven!!! Do you SEE the beads of sweat coming off his forehead?!?! This is SERIOUS, SERIOUS stuff.....
Oh no, oh no... the sky is falling....the Steelers may NOT win the Superbowl......
That's it, Sven....stand up, get involved...send some psychic power to those boys out on the field....
Can you hear the proclamations...."YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!!"
Well, I tried to upload a video that would have made most of you roll on the floor laughing, but it was just too long. Oh well, better for Sven's dignity that it not be broadcast on the web. Let's just say that I got the final 10 minutes of the game on video and it's PRETTY FUNNY. Congrats to all you Steeler fans on the victory!!! Way to go SIXBURG! =)