This one is for Grandpa. It was a hot, humid day and Nikolas wanted a new hat to shield his eyes. He picked it out all by himself. =)
This church has nothing to do with Ford's Theater other than the fact that it's right down the street from it. I love the architecture.
I remember visiting Ford's Theater with mom and dad during a trip to DC while I was at the academy. Now, it was time to visit Ford's Theater with my family. For those of you who are wondering what Ford's Theater is, it's the theater where John Wilkes Booth shoot President Lincoln on April 14, 1865. I found it interesting that Booth was a popular actor of the time comparable to today's 'hearthrobs'. Can you imagine? It was a character such as this who took the life of our 16th presidcnt? The narrator of the visit did a very good job describing the events of that day and evening and didn't leave much to imagination what it must have been like for those in attendance at the theater that evening.
This is the outside of Ford's Theater. I think every boy scout in America was in DC this day. It was quite a sight!
This is where President Lincoln, his wife, and close friend of theirs sat. Lincoln sat in the far right chair (barely visible) next to the loveseat.
The furnishings and decorations within the theater were very neat. It was interesting that between the years of Lincoln's assassination and current day, the US government had gutted the inside of the theater and used it for storage. Later (I don't remember when), it was renovated and brought back to its original state.
After Lincoln was shot (a mortal wound to the head), the doctor didn't think it was a good idea for Lincoln to be transported via carriage over the bumpy dirt roads from the theater to the White House. Instead, he was carried across the street to a boarding house where he died the next morning.
Well, I guess the three of us had more fun visiting Ford's Theater than Lincoln did that fatal day (bad joke, I know). It was neat to take in another piece of DC history. After the tour, we treated ourselves to a new (to us), fantastic treat: fro-zen-yo. It was AWESOME. It's a self-serve frozen yogurt place. You walk in and there's a wall of dozens of varieties of frozen yogurt. You can mix and match to your heart's content, and at the end there was an amazing toppings bar. At the register, the cashier weighs your cup. Although there were dozens of varieties, there were only two that were lactose free. Oh well, two varieties are better than none! This treat was so perfect for such a hot day. We devoured ours, and Nikolas (the non-cold food eater that he is...or is not...whatever) didn't like his. Fine enough for Sven. =) What a great way to end the day!