Thursday, September 21, 2017

8-3, Yellowstone Buffalo

While in Yellowstone, we saw deer, elk and buffalo (and one bear on our way out of the park-- no photos though).  I surprised myself with how excited I was to see buffalo.  This is due mostly to the fact that on our second day entering the park, we encountered one lone buffalo on the side of the road.  With my window down, I could hear him breathing and snorting as he walked, stopped and then started running.  This creature was massive and we knew the potential for his strength and power.  I was so psyched to get these close-up photos of him as he made his way along the river.  I don't think I'll ever forget the sounds of his feet as he ran or the heavy breathing that propelled this graceful giant.

Later in the day, we came across more buffalo (a LOT more buffalo).  It was pretty cool to see this one rolling around in the dirt like an oversized dog.

Another one dotting the landscape......

At one of our scenic stops, I heard a woman exclaim to her friend, "I've been coming here for years, and I've never seen that many buffalo!!".  Of course, I had to ask "where?!"-- so off we went.  Look what we discovered:  acres and acres of buffalo.  Wow.  (Look in the distance and you can see the smoke from all the forest fires in Montana at the time.)

Looking for buffalo (or any other wildlife) in Yellowstone, felt like a game of "I spy".  

No, I'd never make it as a Nat Geo wildlife photographer.  
This is how I prefer the wild shots....... LOL.......

8-3, Yellowstone- Day 2

More scenes from Yellowstone.  This was such a fun day of exploration-- beautiful waterfalls, the village of Mammoth Hot Springs and many miles of breathtaking vistas around every bend.  

The sunrise at our campsite.

No sunrise here.  Baby girl is SO tired! 

Elk in the morning light.

T.O.U.R.I.S.T.S.  =)

Mammoth Hot Springs

I've seen photos such as this in trailer brochures.  I've always looked at them and said, "that's totally photoshopped, no campground view ever looks like that!"  How funny when we arrived home this day, I looked out the trailer window and wouldn't you know-- some campgrounds really do have views like that.  No photoshop required!