Thursday, January 12, 2012

1-1, Nik and Abby

I captured this quiet moment between Nikolas and Abby over Christmas break.  I don't know what it is with Abby and cheese, but she loves it.  She'll sneak on the table eyeing an unattended plate-- if it has cheese on it, she'll lick up the crumbs on the floor-- if they're cheese, she'll try to sneak a bite of Nikolas' snack-- if it's cheese.  For a kitty who doesn't get table scraps, she really loves cheese!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

1-2, Striping at Karate

Here we are-- month 4 of karate.  Am I allowed to say that I'm surprised that he's still as into it as he was when we first signed him up?  Here Nikolas is receiving his first stripe for his yellow belt.  Good job, Nikolas!

12-26, Mom and Dad

Mom and Dad weren't released from their photography obligations during their visit to our house.  I was happy to get these photos of early anniversary present....even if they didn't know they wanted them!  HA!  Click on the link below to see:

Finding Focus: My Parents

12-26, Engagement Photos

I had the privilege of taking Thad and Kelly's engagement photos while they visited for Christmas.  View our session together on my other blog (click the link below):

Finding Focus: Engagement Photos

We all had a hard time choosing our favorite photo from the session.  Please comment or email me with your choice.  Thanks!