Not too bad for a "timer shot" =). Nikolas and I enjoyed carving our pumpkins together that we had chosen from his field trip to the petting farm. Nikolas was a GREAT helping digging out the seeds. And when grandpa came over that afternoon, Nikolas enlisted his help with that task!
Halloween was a fun, special day for us. Sven took the day off of work and we convinced grandma and grandpa to stay an extra day to share in the festivities with us. The day began with a "character parade" at school. The theme of the parade was to dress up as your favorite book character or word. Time and costumes were slim, so Nikolas' new favorite book character was Davy Crockett. =) Hey-- why not? Who else has a coon skin hat?!
Nikolas' teacher and nice friends from school.

and who's that wearing Davy's hat?
After the parade, we were able to spend a little time in the classroom with Nikolas. It was nice being able to show grandma and grandpa Nikolas' school, classroom and the unique "pod" style set-up (the classrooms within a grade level are divided not by walls but cubicle walls).

The trick-or-treating portion of the evening was CRAZY! Having never experienced trick-or-treating on post, it was definitely unlike any other trick-or-treating we'd seen. After the first few minutes we had the revelation...."if everyone has kids and is TAKING them trick-or-treating....WHO is at home giving candy away?!". We soon learned that the pros at this sent one parent out and one stayed home giving away the candy. So, THAT is how it's done. =) There were kids EVERYWHERE. Nikolas sprinted through the neighborhoods with various friends while us old folks did our best to keep up and make sure we returned home with the right Star Wars Storm Trooper. =) Seriously-- put those masks on and you'd never know who was who!

Some of our neighbors REALLY get into Halloween.....

(These are TWO different houses...... I wonder who won the house-decorating contest!)
Much to our surprise Nikolas announced that he was "done trick-or-treating"about 8, so we sat outside and handed out candy to the later crowd. It was really nice to see so many people, of all ages, out and about and enjoying the evening. What was even nicer was to see the post police patrolling on foot and making sure everything was on the up and up. Pretty cool way to celebrate the holiday. Thanks for staying that extra day, mom and dad! It wouldn't have been the same without you here. You know we have certain expectations for next year, don't you? =) We've got a tradition started here!