Monday, March 7, 2011

3-5, Sven's new truck

Years.  That's how long Sven's been thinking of and wishing for a new truck.  He's loved his old Chevy but he knew the time was coming that it would need a replacement.  Oh, the hours he's spent googling this, researching that.....and driving me crazy!  =)  The conversation would go something like this, "I know you don't like to talk about it, but......" and here started yet another truck conversation.  I'd humor him the best I could, but trucks?  Not really my area of expertise....or interest.  After a long cross-country drive with a barely working radio and so much wind-noise he couldn't carry on a cell-phone conversation, I got it.  He needs a new truck.  The shopping (physical, not virtual) began.  It didn't take long before we had us a deal on a truck Sven had only dreamt about:  a Dodge Ram 2500.  Even I'll's a sweet ride!

Saying goodbye to Sven's Chevy.  That old truck holds a lot of memories!  I purchased it from Uncle Darryl while Sven was on cruise in 2002.  Really....I bought Sven's first truck without him.  Hee hee hee.  How many moves did that truck make?  Too tired to even count it out, but a lot.

Yes, I will photograph EVERY aspect of a moment.....

Old meets new.......

Can you see that his smile got bigger?  I think he's pretty happy about this purchase!

I know, WHY didn't I get more pics of the new truck?  Honest answer?  I was SO sick this day!  The cold meds must have taken over (along with my desire to get out of the dealership and go home to bed!).  I'll post more pics later.  Promise!

2-25, Meet Abby

As you know, we had a sad loss before we moved from Maryland.  We had to put our beloved Cadi to sleep after 15 years of companionship.  Her absence was noted in Maryland, during the cross-country and here in our new home in Colorado.  We really missed her.  We'd been entertaining the idea of another pet, cat or dog.  After a few visits to the local shelters, we came home with a 4-month old kitten.  Sven and I were a little taken aback by the fact that she looks just like a cat we had many years ago- Darby.  It's actually sort of creepy that every time I look at her I think of Darby.  HOWEVER, that day at the shelter, she made it clear that we were to be her family, so I take comfort in knowing that we did not pick her based on her looks!  She'd go from Sven's lap to mine and back again.  We'd gone to the shelter that day while Nikolas was in school to be sure we'd make a logical decision should we come across a possible match for our house.  The logical decision?  There's  no way we'd find a better kitten anywhere if we didn't take this little cuddler home.  So, we did.  We took her home.  We barely beat the school bus home that day.  Nikolas' first words when he saw her:  "A kitten?!?!  Can we keep her?????"  He didn't realize we'd already adopted her.  He's so proud of his kitten and we all love her.  Her name?  Abby.  What a good name Nikolas chose for her.

"Ok, Mr. You're not going anywhere without me!!  Look at how cute and cuddly I am!!  You know you have a little boy at home who's always wanted a kitten!  Here I am-- 4 months old!!  Please, please, please take me home!!"

Upon bringing her home, we decided that the hall bathroom was going to be her room for the next week or two until we know just how potty-trained she is.  Here I am following Nikolas into the bathroom.  You can see Abby sitting on Sven's shoulders.....yes, in the bathroom.  =)

I think it was love at first sight for Nikolas.

and she even likes me, too!

Yep, he's happy!

Still happy.....

Do you know how hard it is to get a decent photo of a black cat on a white towel with a point and shoot camera?!  =)

so sweet.....

Nikolas FINALLY has his kitten....

....and Abby finally has a family.

And, a cat that actually USES the toys and beds purchased for her.  She's a keeper!!

Thank you, Abby, for starting to heal the hole in my heart and for bringing our family many smiles and laughs this past week and a half....and for a lifetime to come.

2-24, Nikolas' 9th birthday

Year after year, we can't believe our eyes as we watch Nikolas grow.  This year, he turned 9!  He spent most of the day in school, but we did our best to have a special evening for him afterwards.  He was a little dismayed that he didn't have a big party with his friends, but this transition was a perfect time to corral his ambitious birthday wishes and spend his birthday just like Sven and I did growing up--with family.  

I laugh thinking of how fast Nikolas could be on his smaller bikes. He's definitely going to beat me down the trail on this new, big one!

He's been wanting a new bike for so long.  I think he's happy!

Whose new bike IS it?!  =)

We surprised Nikolas with a sushi dinner-- his favorite.  That boy loves the salmon.  I can't remember what I wanted to eat for my 9th birthday, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't sushi!  

He can be sweet when he wants to..... =)

So, for those of you who may not know, Nikolas has been diagnosed with a wheat allergy.  So not only did the poor kid have to leave behind everything he knew (house, school, friends, etc), but he's also had to endure a drastic change in his diet.  The boy whose favorite foods include cheerios, ramen noodles and pizza now has to learn to live without these items or tolerate the substitutes.  He has been such a trooper about all of it.  On the plus side, it may be a blessing in disguise to rid our diets of the many processed foods we had been eating.  On the negative side, many of the substitutes for the staple items like bread and pasta.....aren't tasty.  Intimidated by the thought of baking him something for his birthday that was gluten-free and a high-altitude conversion (I'd already baked him a loaf of stone earlier in the week.....), I went to the local health food store and bought him these gluten-free, wheat-free, dairy-free, egg-free......taste-free?????.....brownies.  Here's hoping......

So much for hoping.....  YUCK!!!  My boys didn't spare the drama of their response at their first (and only) bite.  

But, at least the evening was spared with another present to open!

Happy Birthday, buddy!  We love you!

2-20, Castlewood Canyon State Park

After finally receiving all of our stuff and spending the subsequent days unpacking and working around the house, we decided to spend an afternoon away at nearby state park.  Castlewood Canyon State Park is a short 15 minute drive from our house and such a great little getaway.  A little hike at this altitude is surely something one needs to adjust to! Although there was snow on the ground, it was almost 60 degrees.  Snow and short-sleeves, very cool!

2-1, We've arrived....but where's our stuff?!?

We made the cross-country in record time considering we drove 2 vehicles with a child and rabbit in tow. We were in constant communication with our driver monitoring each other's progress as we traversed the states.  It was all going better than planned.....until the deep freeze of 2011!  The first night we spent in our new house, it was -25 degrees.   Talk about worrying about the power going out!  Thankfully the newly installed furnace did it's job and we kept warm while we waited....and waited...and waited.  The truck with all of our worldly possessions was stuck in Texas because all of the snow storms.  So while we waited, I painted...and painted...and painted.  We lived in our house for 7 days with only the items we had packed in our vehicles.  It was an adventure!  The moment I saw our driver pull up in his truck with everything in tact, I blew him a giant kiss.  We were SO HAPPY to see him!  =)

My soon-to-be new office.  Those yellow walls just won't work for photo-editing, so I'm opted for a neutral gray.  I think it looks pretty nice!

Nikolas says, "Who CARES if we don't have furniture?!  Look at all this room I have to run!!"

Nikolas on his first day at his new school.  He actually didn't start until the day our goods arrived.  Lucky guy missed a LOT of school between being sick, the cross-country, the snow days and the delay getting him registered here.  (Thankfully, he's loving his new school!)

This wall is in Sven's office.  I had no idea that he disliked the blue so much (I knew I did but I thought maybe he could tolerate it as a blue Navy theme.....).  So, after painting my office, I painted his.  Hey, afterall, I had the time since I had no HHG (household goods) to put away!

Nikolas' was the last room I got painted before our stuff arrived.  It was originally a dark taupe color, not a bad color, but it made the room very dark.  Nikolas wanted a blue room.  (Yes, I was thinking, maybe it would have been easier to switch Sven's office and Nikolas' room than repaint BOTH rooms but it was too late for that!) And they pulled another fast one on me:  I got 3/4 of the way finished with the blue paint, ready to tackle the last wall, and Sven and Nikolas agreed they liked the room just as it was with the brown wall as an accent wall. It actually looks pretty good like that, although I felt like I had an unfinished project!

Sven's wish for snow...and more snow... and more snow.  He was tickled that the snow-blower that came with the house actually worked....thank goodness.  It got some serious use that first week!

You can't tell from the photo, but Sven is actually snow-blowing our yard.  Yes, our YARD.  He was trying to make a path for the movers to put Nikolas' fort in the backyard.  Crazy (but it worked)!

The snow-blown path to our backyard through our newly added double-gate.

Deer are everywhere in this neighborhood.  They're referred to as "Pinery Pets".  They weren't bothered in the least by the moving truck or the movers hauling stuff up and down the driveway!

While doing laundry that first day (and BOY was I HAPPY to have my washer and dryer again!!), I looked out the laundry-room window and saw my new friends....only feet away!

Oh, I can't wait to live here....AND with our stuff!  Yay!

1-28, 2500+ miles

Lucky, that's what we were.  The weather was horrible leaving MD, yet we were able to sneak out between storms.  The rush was on-- who would get to CO or the driver?  On your marks, get set.....DRIVE!!!!!!

Checking on Rascal to see how he's faring the drive.  So far so good.

Giving Rascal a little loving for the good bunny he's been.



The Grand Ol' Opry.

Two days ago it was snowing and today, in Arkansas, it was 78.  It felt heavenly!

Yes, our routes are always planned around Sven's favorite BBQ joints. =)



I guess everything IS bigger in Texas.

Only in Texas does the hotel have a waffle iron the shape of their state.  This waffle brought me a smile to start the last day of our journey.

No sunny Texas this day.... it was so foggy the visibility was very limited.

No more 78 =( ...... as we got closer to our new home the temperature kept dropping.  

I lost track of how many miles we did exactly, but our route looked something like this:

North Carolina
and finally

We've arrived!  What's next?!