Tuesday, September 13, 2016

8-25, Fawns and Moms

As you know, from my many photos and posts about the deer, that they are a great source of joy for us (and sadness when a fawn was hit and killed before our eyes).   I really don't think a day passes when we don't comment about our Pinery Pets.  We all know that the natural element of our neighborhood is a little askew when these wild creatures make themselves so at home among us.   I think the last of the acorns have fallen because the deer aren't as plentiful in our yard as they were a few weeks ago.  The timing of having a new camera and the falling acorns was perfect.  I'm so glad I was able to capture them in their element within ours.  

Monday, September 12, 2016

9-5, Labor Day Camping

It happens every year.  Life gets in the way of camping, and we don't make time to do it forgetting what a great addition it is to our life.  We embarked on our only camping trip of the summer ('summer' - although school as been in session a month already.  Sheesh....) with the hell-bent idea that it would be our trailer's farewell voyage.  It only took 12 minutes in the mountains, in the woods, inhaling deep breaths of fresh air while Nik scouted for fire wood and Emalie raced around on her bike to realize-- this is awesome!  We spent three splendid days hitting our favorite spots.  We think the key to the success of this trip was camping in the National Forest land as opposed to established campgrounds.  We loved, loved, loved not having neighbors.  I didn't realize how much a part of the dislike for camping surrounded the way we did it.  (It seems pretty silly to pack up a lot of the stuff you own in your house in your neighborhood, drive three hours, then plop it all down in a make shift neighborhood with new neighbors- THAT part was really driving me crazy.)  This new way of approaching it is so much better.  I hope we can continue to find new places to go that offer this much serenity.  So, alas, I guess we'll keep paying for storage on that trailer.  Sometimes logic just doesn't prevail and the memory-making does!

Nik doing what he loves best. 
Our little explorer- boy was she disappointed when she forgot to bring that stick home with her (the one perched on her shoulder)!

This kid has always been so content just looking into the flames of a burning campfire.

A little speed demon she is.

Beer and BBQ-- what else can a guy ask for?

Trees!  Trees!  Trees!!!!!! Oh, and a pretty sharp truck and trailer set-up.

Anyone else notice the crazy detail of this photo?  Which is crazier-- the GOAT leashed up while the owner fishes on the edge of this lake...... or the fact that the truck bears Missoula license plates?!

Ha!  The lady had TWO goats.  She's not a true Montanan as she has houses all around the country, but  you know you've got a little Montana in you if the ranch travels with you.  Lol......

Wide Open Spaces (anyone else got the Dixie Chicks stuck in their head now?)

Mountains in every direction.

The afternoon sun lit up the the forest and face of the cliff in the distance.
It was awesome.

There he is staring at that campfire again.....
as I stalk him with my new camera in 'play' mode!

Brother and sister even got some time to play ball together.  Will the wonders never cease.  There's just something about the fresh air and open space that relaxed EVERYONE.