Tuesday, January 12, 2016

1-9, Karate Kids

We're off to a big start for the kids already this year.  Last week, Emalie started her long-awaited karate class.  She's part of the entry-level program at 5280 called 'Tiny Tigers'.  Nikolas earned his last stripe on his candidate belt.  Next level:  Black Belt!  On this track, Nik will be testing for his black belt in March.  I had a little surreal moment the other day as I was reading through Emalie's 'welcome to karate' packet.  One of the pages said something like, "believe it or not, one day you WILL be a black belt."  I remember reading that same line from that same page five years ago when we signed Nik up for karate.  I thought his interest would be a passing phase and I gave it six months top.  Here we are five years later and he is almost there.  It's just crazy!  Even crazier is we're starting the same path with Emalie.  It's going to be fun watching Emalie progress through the ranks as it has been to watch Nikolas grow in this discipline.  And, the best part is that Nikolas is at the level where he can help assist in the younger class, so Emalie will be right there learning from her big brother each step of the way.  That brings a smile to a momma's heart!

Shihan, the owner and master of all things 5280, is in the center of this photo.

I'm thinking she just might have that competitive edge.... LOL.....

The 'little ones' observing the 'big ones'.

Emalie receives her very first white belt.

I almost put the camera down and missed this last photo.  After Emalie received her white belt,
Nikolas said to her, "come give me a hug, Emalie!"  So very sweet.

Nikolas training in the Leadership class.  Our Saturdays just got really busy--
two classes at the same place but three hours apart!

Emalie donning her uniform and belt.  She can't wait for her next class.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

12-25, Christmas Vacation

I find it difficult to document Christmas.  Each year, the photos pretty much look the same.  Everyone sitting around the tree, opening gifts, the kids are bigger than last year and thus the toys vary accordingly, but all in all it's the same recap year after year.  On the other hand, it's one of the most memorable times of the year as well.  I'm always split between just putting the camera down and enjoying it while taking a few snapshots to share with the family we couldn't spend this special time with.  This year, my parents spent a week with us over the Christmas holiday.  It was so nice to have them here.  It was a very mellow week full of lots of wonderful moments.  It's the kind of week you look back on in twenty years and say, "Wasn't that a nice Christmas?!"  It definitely was.  Will it be the last Colorado Christmas for the Krauss Haus or will there be many more to come?  That's a question that wasn't far from the back of our minds.  I'm glad we enjoyed the calm and serenity of the holiday with my parents because I have a feeling that the majority of 2016 will not be nearly as calm or serene!  I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and 2016 is off to a wonderful start for you!

Who doesn't love a Christmas Eve pic of the kids in front of the tree?

The '3rd child' wasn't as cooperative as the first two.  Look out as you walk by!

Hmm..... he used to smile at me for this annual picture of him reading "The Night Before Christmas".
Must be against the rules of being a teenager.....

Cookies, milk and Santa Letters

"I'm so excited, I'm so excited!"

Uh-oh..... looks like Santa cheers for more than one team.
I think I'll stand back and let these two battle it out....

Always gotta get a picture of Santa's loot.....

Have you ever seen such cute feet?

"YES!  Score!!  New Steelers jersey!  Thanks, Pap-pap!"

I left out the photo of Nik's look of horror as he stood behind Emalie proudly donning her Broncos jersey.
Good thing she's a stubborn little girl so she can stand up for her own independent thinking!  But, she's
happy she got a new Steelers jersey so she can still fit in with the guys of the Krauss Haus.

Emalie was thrilled to get a new, size-appropriate Spiderman hoodie.

So nice to spend Christmas with Mom and Dad!

How cute is this photo of Dad working on a big puzzle with Em right beside him working on a little puzzle?!

The Christmas snow we wished for......look closely at the sky and trees..... very, very closely.

That's Sven's happy face.  We thoroughly enjoyed having my parents and our good friends, Mark and Dawn,  celebrate Christmas with us.

The engineers hard at work assembling Emalie's new kitchen.

This thing is so cute, I might have to play with it while she's in school.  LOL....

Passing time with some card games before taking mom and dad to the airport.