After Nikolas' baseball game on Saturday, the coach and his wife invited us to their house for lunch (Subway of course!). After eating, the boys enjoyed having a Nerf battle. You had never seen such an array of Nerf guns and bullets. My, oh my! The boys enjoyed the toys and Sven and I enjoyed being in a backyard OFF BASE in a REAL neighborhood!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
5-9, Mother's Day
Well, I'd like to say that I had a fantastic Mother's Day and I was pampered all day long....but you know me and my honesty! Nikolas and I made the best of Sven being gone (to a conference in Vegas) and made plans with our neighbor to go to a local park for the afternoon. Not exactly my dream day, but it passed the time and the kids enjoyed themselves. We went to a place called Kinder Farm Park about 25 minutes from base. It's the same place I had gone to earlier in the week to do a location portrait of a little girl. I thought Nikolas would really enjoy seeing the animals. Much to my dismay, it wasn't until we got home that evening that I remembered that I didn't show him the rabbits they had there. I guess that will be another trip!
Nikolas really enjoyed feeding the chickens.
These little piggies were only a month old. As far as pigs go, they were about the cutest I'd ever seen!
This was HILARIOUS. They were grooming a sheep and it was the first time for that particular sheep. You'd have thought they were killing him (and for all he knew, maybe he thought that's what they were trying to do!). He was bawling and crying and it sounded like "HHHEEEELLPP!!" That gave us all a good laugh. The kids were even plugging their ears it was so loud. Oh, how funny it was!
5-1, Nikolas' Baseball Team
This was taken at the Opening Day of baseball by the coach's wife (sadly, I didn't do a good enough job of wrestling my way to the front to get a decent photo). Nikolas' team is called the Giants. Nikolas is playing Coach Chris' team again this year. He's a fantastic coach (as well as person!). We love our time spent at practices and games. He and his wife Kelli (and their kids) are great people and they're a joy to be around. As you can see, Sven is the Assistant Coach this year. I really think Nikolas likes having his daddy out there with him. On Opening Day, they had the mascot Louie from the local minor league team, the Bowie Baysox. (I'm actually quite surprised that Nikolas got that close to him. =)....)
Nikolas and his baseball buddies. The boy on the left is the coach's son and the girl on the right has been a flirting-friend of Nikolas' since we moved here. =)
This is the day of team pictures. I squeezed in next to and behind the photographer. I'm curious to see how the photos turned out. It's a rare occassion when I buy somebody else's photos!
4-27, Bischofsgrun puzzle
This is one of my photos I took in Germany of Sven's hometown of Bischofsgrun. I used a website called Portrait Puzzles to have it made into a puzzle. They did a GREAT job. We discovered I'd chosen a very difficult photo/puzzle combination. Who knew? It kept us busy for many, many hours (and thankfully, dad helped us, too). We had fun putting it together....if it's not too lame to admit that! =)
4-26, Mom and Dad's visit
First of all, I think some apologies are in order. I have been working so much on my photography business that I have had very little time for keeping our personal photos and blog up-to-date. I will try to do better as I am doing more!
These are a few photos I took after we returned from NY. I was quite excited to visit B&H Photo in NYC over the weekend. I buy most of my photography equipment through this store and it was amazing to see it in person (they call it their Manhattan SuperStore and now we know why...!). Anyway, I made a small purchase there and was showing mom and dad the 'why I needed it and why it's so cool'. These photos are a result.
Too bad Nikolas and I didn't squeeze in this one. I love this photo of the 3 of them.
Aren't they cute?!