Many of you have received this via email, but for those of you who did not please read on:
I don’t like to ask my friends and family for money. I also don’t like losing my grandfather to Parkinson’s Disease or watching my mom endure a lifetime with this diagnosis. I know these aren’t the best economic times but I also know there are struggles that far exceed the value of a dollar. Do you know anyone living with Parkinson’s? Do you know anyone struggling with a body that won’t cooperate with their mind? I do-- my mom. While at times it feels there is little I can do to really help her, I know there is something that I can do every April (Parkinson’s Awareness Month) that can. This year, again, Sven, Nikolas and I will be walking in the Parkinson’s Unity Walk in NYC. This event raises money for Parkinson’s research--- 100% of everything donated goes directly to research. I know everyone has a cause that they are passionate about. I know that Parkinson’s Research may not be a cause that you are passionate about and I respect that. But at the same time, think of this: anything the researchers learn about the way our brains function (and why that function is altered in those with Parkinson’s) will lead to progress with other neurological disorders (Alzheimer’s for example). Now we’ve taken this circle of research that I am so passionate about and broadened it to an even greater circle encompassing those with other debilitating neurological diseases and disorders. And think of this, too…… do you know what causes Parkinson’s Disease or Alzheimer’s Disease? Neither do I. Neither do the researchers. What is the genetic link? What is the environmental link? Do you have any family members with any of these diseases? Will you be next? Will it be your brother, your sister, or even your child? It’s a very sobering thought. Now…..if you could make your contribution, no matter how great or small, to save someone you love….maybe even yourself…..from suffering from these diseases—would you? Yes, this is an issue I am very passionate about. When my mom was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s, I had to ‘google’ it. I didn’t know what it was or what that would mean for my mom’s future. Now, six years into her diagnosis, I learn more every month, every year. Let’s not lose anymore mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandmas, or grandpas to this disease. Let’s enable the researchers to find the cause and the cure. If you’ve read this far, I commend you. If you donate, I’ll be extremely grateful. Last year we raised over $2300. This year my goal is to raise at least $3,000. I truly mean it when I say that every single dollar adds up. Thank you for considering, if just for today, making my cause yours.
This is the link for my donation page:
Friday, January 22, 2010
1-22 New As Eye See It website
After a few years of getting my 'feet wet' having my own business, I've upgraded my website. Please take a look and tell me what you think! If you know anyone who might be interested in seeing it, please feel free to pass it on!