Monday, April 7, 2014

4-3, Nik's BB game

A sports photographer, I am not.  The mother of a boy who loves sports, I am.  Nikolas' middle school is one of the few (if not the only?) school in our area that 'allows' 6th-graders to play middle school basketball.  Nikolas jumped at the idea (get it, 'jumped'?!  LOL.....) The season is incredibly short-- a month or so (including a week off for spring break!).  Maybe it's best to introduce the kids to the sport in small sessions, I really don't know the reasoning behind it.  But as quickly as the season  started, today already marks the end of it with the last game being this afternoon (yes, shortly after I publish this post).  His last game was my first opportunity to bring my camera, because Sven was also able to attend and (constantly) redirect Emalie!  Nikolas has enjoyed the season and has already said he'd like to play again next year.  When I repeatedly asked Nikolas, "Are you sure you don't want to run track?!" His answer was a definite 'no'.  I was disappointed by that.  I remember the long days spent at the track-- both as the little sister of the athlete and then later the athlete (I'll use the term loosely here...!)  myself.  However, when I drive by the local track fields and see the huddling masses shivering in blankets while it's snowing, I think ' (warm gym).  I'm OK with that!"  Well, I guess after today, it's back to karate.  Nik will be working towards his brown belt!

(Notice this is the final image of this series.  Looking at the path of the trajectory, you can guess why!  But, hey-- he was in there working for it!)