Monday, April 30, 2012

4-29, Going to the Symphony!

All dressed up AND some place to go.  How about that?!  We took Nikolas to the symphony yesterday afternoon for a child focused concert about Tchaikovsky.  It was great!  Much to our surprise, it only lasted a whopping 50 minutes!  I guess it's better to have a successful 50 minutes than an hour and a half of wiggling, fussing children.   It was quite cute how Nikolas would tap me on the shoulder and say "this is my favorite one!", "this is my second favorite!".  How great to see him explore the different genres of music.  We enjoyed ourselves and got to soak up some of the culture that Denver has to offer.  I've loved Colorado from the beginning, but now I'm becoming quite fond of the city of Denver the more we learn about it.  Anyway, I've been itching to get a new lens for our China trip so I thought I'd better test out what I've got 'just one more time' before making my decision.  We're dressed up, why not, right?  (Yes, this is about as dressed up as we get....).  So, the three self-portraits I took of myself were with my favorite lens.  The three I took of Sven and I were with the lens I'd like to replace.  (No, I didn't even ask Nikolas to participate because he hates having his picture taken.  They say I ruined him.....)  Unfortunately my test proved what I'd been thinking....  this China trip just got a little more expensive.  Time to start lens shopping...... Anyway, thought I'd share the photos with you since most of my posts are about Nikolas or places or things.