Friday, July 20, 2018

7-10, Us in Yellowstone

A few photos from our visit to Yellowstone.....

Haha.... my head is too big for the cutout!

Panoramas were created for places such as this.

Emalie is enthralled in a video about wolves at the Wolf Discovery Center in West Yellowstone. She has her trusty sidekick 'James' with her.

This girl loves water.  And, I, apparently, love taking pictures of the changing views from our little home on wheels.

More water to splash in.  The original idea was that the cold river water would freeze the itch out of her array of bug bites and provide some relief.  We stopped at this spot twice.  During the second stop, Sven and I waded in with her.  Lol..... the relief the water provided was pure distraction because it was so comfortably warm!

"How'd you like Yellowstone?"

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

7-9, Yellowstone Landscapes

Yellowstone truly is massive.  If you have been there, then you know what I mean.  If you haven't been there, then you are really missing out! You can drive for miles and miles and at every turn in the bend there is another amazing, natural wonder.  Eye candy everywhere, I tell you.  Take a look at some of my favorite scenes from this visit.

Monday, July 16, 2018

7-8, Yellowstone Wildlife

There is something magical about the wildlife in Yellowstone National Park.  It's everywhere when you least expect it, and nowhere when you're intensely searching.  The abundance of wildlife that exists there is awesome (the deeper definition of the word and not the 80s teenager lingo).  We feel like we saw our fair share of it during our few days in the park.  The one thing I was hoping to see that we did not was a moose.  Maybe next year!

(See that bouncing baby in the background?!)

Sunday, July 15, 2018

6-29, Sacajawea's Grave

Last year's summer vacation, we allowed plenty of time for off-road exploring on the way to dropping Nik off for his Montana Wilderness School camp expedition.  This year's vacation was 'organized' a little differently and we didn't have as much time to explore enroute.  We did stumble across Sacajawea's grave and took the time to pay our respects.  It's literally out in Wyoming somewhere, amidst the meadows and mountains and the whispers on the wind.  It's always fun to introduce Emalie to history in a firsthand experience.  (And, it gave us a good excuse to buy her local, historical books (written for kids) about these places and people.  We found a Sacajawea book for her in Hamilton and a Lewis and Clark Expedition book in Bozeman.)  I'm glad she's so interested in history.  It wasn't until I started seeing these places firsthand myself did my interest grow as well.  Somehow, seeing these places and really putting yourself in the imagined moments of these people's lives back in their time really puts things into a whole new perspective.