Monday, June 3, 2013

6-2, Random Kid Pics

Since they've begun working on our driveway, Emalie and I have spent quite a bit of time on our front deck (it overlooks the driveway).  It's been quite interesting to see how they go about removing the old concrete, grading it and preparing for the new concrete.  Emalie is quite captivated with the machinery involved, too.  (I'll post some cute pics of her on the excavator when I do the post about the driveway later.)  Anyway, here are two pics I took of her during our time on the deck.  

I don't know what this look and walk is about, but it's pretty darn funny!

Emalie is in the "Mom-- LOOK!" stage.  She'll insist that I look at her only to have her give me a crazy face and be quite proud about it.  This is one such moment.  What a funny girl!

This is her "Why did we have to stay in the car while Dad went into Home Depot" look.

If you listen carefully, you can hear Emalie try to say her name:
"Em ma muy".  

Lately, my blog posts have been quite Emalie focused.  I know this, I'm aware of this, and I do feel bad about it.  I try to justify why and this is what I have concluded:
1) Emalie and I are home together ALL DAY LONG while Nikolas is at school.
2) Nikolas is to the age where he'd rather I not take pictures of him and post them.

I did, however, take quite a funny video of Nikolas the other day at dinner.  I'm taking the higher road and not posting it.  It was a video of his reaction to spinach spaghetti (yes, we've become quite unorthodox with our diet since moving to Denver.....).  I know he definitely would not have appreciated me posting that one.  So, I do take more pictures and videos of Nikolas that I do not post because I know he's at that age where he'd rather not be embarrassed.  Emalie on the other hand.....I've got a few more years!

6-1, Nik's Purple Belt

Whew!  He did it!  Nikolas earned his purple belt!  These last few months of making his way up the ranks has been a little confusing and stressful.  He wasn't striping when he thought he would/should be, and the final week before testing we didn't know if he'd be able to test at all.  Thankfully, he did and he performed superbly!  Good job, Nikolas!  I can't believe how far you've progressed in less than two years!  Way to go!  Work hard, study hard and practice and you'll have your black belt before you know it!!  We're so proud of you!