Tuesday, October 7, 2014

9-28, St. Mary's Glacier

For those of you who are on my email list for my Finding Focus blog posts, I apologize for the redundancy that sometimes takes place when the posts between our family and my photography blogs overlap.  It depends on the direction of my posts whether they end up in one place, the other or on both.  Today, is a 'both' day.  For those of you not on my Finding Focus list, I insist you look at the attached link prior to viewing the personal photos I took on this outing.  It's the 'chuckle' and 'nudge' part of the story, ie, me wanting to see aspens and Sven taking me to see a glacier.  For more of the story, switch on over to the other blog and then come back here for the 'rest of the story'....or just the rest of the pictures.  I guess I'm happy we have so many different places and things to see here.....one day I'll get that quintessential aspen picture that every photographer needs to have in their portfolio.  Maybe next time I should tell Sven I want to go see a glacier instead.....LOL......just kidding, sweetie!!

The last time I took a photo like this I was in Manhattan.

Of course, I couldn't leave you hanging like that, so I had to dig up that photo for comparison.  It's like a different world, isn't it?

OK, back to Colorado......

Hmmm....no aspen, rocky, steep trail that Em refuses to climb.....we're both disappointed!

Nikolas loved running up the mountain, through the woods, beside the trail.  He was truly in his element and the happiest I've seen him on a family outing in a long time!

In contrast, Sven was moving at a snail's pace with Emalie when she finally agreed to walk.

Glad I (or Nikolas) lugged that tripod around for something!  I didn't realize the snowboarders were behind us when I took this first photo.  I did take a second one of just the four of us, but I think this one's actually more fun with the ambience the extras create.

One small boy, one very large mountain.

Emalie practicing skipping rocks just like she sees her big brother do.

Pretty cute:  Em's using Sven's binoculars to take it all in.

Nik's on a mission to climb up a glacier.

In a few years, this might be Nikolas wanting to snowboard down the glacier.

I love this pic of Sven.  He loves getting outdoors and seeing new things.  That statement is obvious by the expression on his face!

Me and my girl....and those darn binoculars!  LOL......

Ever wonder what a glacier looks like?  Yep, like this!

So nice to see smiles this trip!

Down, down, the mountain we go.

When we left this area, we had lunch and drove on to another area in search of the aspens.  We drove the "Oh my God Road" between Idaho Springs and Central City.  It 'was once a wagon road miners used to haul ore. Today, the road illustrates Colorado's mining history' (says my Colorado guide book).  Apparently we passed 'glory holes, gob piles and abandoned mines'. (I guess I'll have to figure out what glory holes and gob piles are....)  We did see some neat things, some great views and a few aspen as posted in the Finding Focus blog post.  Seeing the mining remnants made me want to get out my ghost town book and go find some more.  Now that Emalie is a little older, maybe we'll get to do that next summer!

I'll just classify this one as a 'mine remnant'!

The date on the building is 1895.  How cool is that?!