Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3-18, Em and Nik

Wow.  We're over halfway through March and I only have FOUR photos to share.  I think that may be an all-time low.  Not much to report from the Krauss Haus.  It's not that things have been slow, in fact we've been especially busy these past few weeks.  I don't foresee that pace slowing down any time soon, unfortunately.  Oh well, though-- we're all happy and healthy.  I promise to have more photos to share with you soon!

From her expression, it looks like I caught her in 'the act'.  This is Emalie's drawer in our kitchen.  She's trying to lay claim to more drawers and cabinets, but we're holding our lines!  We're quite happy when she starts digging through her drawer-- even 'pulling up a seat' to it-- because that means we may, just may get dinner cooked after all!

Emalie has this thing she does almost daily.  She sees Nikolas pack his backpack for school, and she runs to the door (which goes to the basement and out of the house), blocks it and proclaims "No!  No!"  It brings a smile to my face a) thinking how close the two of them are, and b) remembering a photo taken of me (a long, long, long time ago!) in tears holding onto Thad's neck when he was on his way out the door for school.  I cherish every day that these two cherish each other!  (Someday that sibling rivalry will kick in!)

Another day, same scenario!

A friend gave me a box full of hand-me-downs for Emalie.  Not only were the contents put to good use but the box as well!