Who can believe that Nikolas is in the 3rd grade this year? It was with a happy and heavy heart that we set him off to school this day knowing that the comfort he finds there with his friends and his teacher will be cut short with a mid-year move. As my dad has always told me, "The only thing constant is change." Did Dad ever think just how true that statement would really be for me and my future family?! Change..... it's the only style of life we know! Hopefully Nikolas can adapt as we have had to learn to do. I usually try to not be quite this cheesy with the photos (dad/Nikolas, mom/Nikolas, Nikolas...all we're missing was mom/dad) but hey-- it's his first day of school! And speaking of the mom and Nikolas photos, it reminds me of my Grandpa G. When Nikolas was just a baby, Grandpa would laugh and say "that kid's as big as you are!" (true, Nikolas was a BIG baby!). Now, look at him.....he really is almost as big as I am!