What a nice husband I have to let me go on a girls' weekend to Denver to spend some time with my best friend Heather. Many of you already know that it's looking like Denver will be our next "Naval Destination". This would be a dream come true for us and it's all the buzz around our house...."in Denver this...." or "in Denver that....". It's the WEST of the Mississippi we've been hoping for.....now we're just hoping that the verbal orders become written orders in the next month or two. As we know, nothing's final until the last box has been set into your new house, but this move has brought about a sense of excitement. So, we're carrying on as if the move to Denver is actually going to happen. This girls' weekend was about getting a chance to relax and also about getting to see what will hopefully be our next city. Heather was a fantastic (and patient!) tour guide! The thought of moving to a city where my best friend since childhood lives is surreal. If this weekend was any indication, something tells me that Denver is going to be a place we'll be happy to call home.
My friend Heather |
Sand in Denver?! What a cool state park this was. Brace yourself.....I had a thing for photographing feet this weekend! Poor hot, steamy, getting sunburned feet-- it was 102! |
Sand, sun....and mountains in the distance?! How cool is that? |
I'll spare you all of the pre-house-hunting photos, but I did want to share the view from this neighborhood that I fell in love with (but will probably never live there because I have really good---expensive-- taste!!) |
This is the little town of Parker. That could be any small town in Montana, couldn't it? |
Who knew Heather had a produce stand?! =) |
The park in the center of Parker. What a great little town. |
I thought I was being delusional when I thought this is what I saw as we drove by. Upon closer examination, it was REAL! This buck was eating off a tree right in this house's driveway. Nobody was around and nobody seemed bothered. Unbelievable!! |
3 houses down, this must be the rest of the family in somebody else's backyard! |
Did you know that Denver has more parks than any other city in the US? Me either! That's my kind of city! |
Heather and I relaxing for the evening after a very busy day of neighborhood searching and house-looking. |
Heather has played the piano for as long as I have known her. She's so talented! |
OK, so in all honesty, this weekend was not all roses. I was feeling the stress of how on earth we are going to find a house in a setting we like within our price range. Upon revisiting one neighborhood, I started to have a little more hope. That's when Heather demanded, "GIVE ME YOUR CAMERA! I have to capture your smile." Here it is......REALLY close up! |
For the life of me I can't remember the name of this park. It was awesome and beautiful....and really, really high! For someone who lives at sea-level, I had a hard time with the elevation. |
So beautiful! |
Which of us looks more like we did when we were 9? I think Heather has retained her youthfulness far better than I have! |
Two happy friends enjoying a day together. Thanks, Heather! |
Yep, another smile. Just what I said about 'simple pleasures'. We were sitting on the edge of the river dipping our feet into the freezing cold water. That simple act was so refreshing and rejuvenating. It brought back many happy memories from my childhood and the weekends we spent camping in Montana's mountains. |
Just like I told you before....I had some creative streak with the feet this weekend-- from the sand to the crystal, cold water! =) |
I will look back on this weekend with very fond memories. It was both about reconfirming friendship and rediscovering self. I hope I can take just half of what I learned and apply that to my life wherever it takes me. I can't thank you enough, Heather, for your friendship, your patience and sharing your zest for life. Until next time......! =)