Tuesday, April 18, 2017

4-18, She's 6!!

We don't need a reason to go down into the studio and have some fun, but today we HAD a special reason!  Can you believe she's 6?!?!  Happy birthday, 'baby girl'!!

We were placing bets when that tooth was going to fall out-- Easter, birthday?!
Nope, not yet- but it's getting more wiggly each day!

It's been such a long time since I've seen a sweet expression like this from her.
Makes my heart melt!

Laughing and joking-- that's more her spirit!

Straight on smile-- that's the best. 

Cracking herself up as usual.  Like mother, like daughter.  Ha!

She's been in this 'head smacking' stage for the past month or two.  What a character. 

No session is ever complete without her friends.
We've got a fun day planned for her.  More pictures to follow later!

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