Sunday, June 28, 2009

6-27, My birthday

I had such a nice birthday. I got to go rollerblading on my favorite local trail in the morning (while Sven and Nikolas biked). That is one of my favorite things to do -- away from all of the people and out into nature. (The trail is paved and was once a rail line.) In the afternoon, we had our friends over for a 'picnic' at our house. Our families are close friends and we always enjoy spending time together. Jin Hee was nice enough to teach us how to make spring rolls (my choice =)....). It was so much fun and so delicious! To top it all off, we had strawberry pie for dessert (my birthday tradition). All in all, it wasn't so bad getting another year older this year!

Sand table, sprinkler, golf, baseball, frisbee (and even some Wii).... the boys had a great time and played themselves silly.

I couldn' t resist having Sven capture this moment for us. How funny in our aprons! We had quite a spread of ingredients for our spring rolls. Oh they were nummy!!

Gee...they act like they are tired..... Not me. I had a great day and wasn't ready for it to end. =)

6-12, Last day of Baseball

Baseball is already over! It sure went by fast-- especially considering how many rain cancellations we had. The last day was celebrated by a game, picnic, trophies and gifts.

Yes, that's Michelle! While Pat was in school (nautical stuff!), Michelle drove down to watch Nikolas play baseball. (Very sweet of you, Michelle!)

6-12, Pat and Michelle's Visit

One thing about being a KP grad-- you'll run into fellow alumni and friends anywhere and everywhere. I have known Pat since my first sea year in 1993 aboard the President Eisenhower. He was the Third mate and I was the deck cadet. It's hard to believe that was 16 years ago! We've met up with Pat and his wife Michelle just about everywhere since then: NY while I was still at the academy, NOLA where I had my first job after KP, WA many times and even our wedding in MT (how nice of Pat and Michelle to drive out all the way from MN to attend!!). They are wonderful people and it's always so nice to get to catch up with them. Thanks for taking the time to visit with us, you guys! And Pat-- keep the sea stories coming......!

I have seen Pat a few more times over the last few years than Michelle (afterall, traveling is his profession!). The last time we saw Michelle, I was pregnant with Nikolas. This was the first time they had met. I'd say they hit it off-- don't you?

This is neither of our cars.... =) Like I said, those KPers are everywhere....