Ok. So I fooled you. I knew if I entitled another post "Emalie's Portraits" then it might not be as well received as "Emalie's Bears". Did it work? I'm thinking it might be time to start up my 'Finding Focus' blog again. I started that blog years ago when I was trying to figure out my photography path. I stopped posting to that blog in July of 2012. Yep, you guessed it, when we brought Emalie home. I am now finding (get it, 'Finding Focus'.....) that more of my posts here are more about my photography and less of a family journal. That being said, please know that I am not keeping fun and exciting events from you all. Here in CO, we focus more on our lives at home and time spent together as a family. In Maryland, our focus was to see and do as much as we could during the time we were there. We don't feel that rush here. And although our weekends may not be as exciting as they once were, we no longer feel like perpetual tourists. So, if you have an opinion about me separating out my photography posts from our family posts, please let me know. I can't quite bring myself to commit to keeping up two blogs at this time, but I'm seriously thinking about it. Either way, you won't miss anything..... I'll always be updating one or both! But, back to the matter at hand. The very person that had me decide to put my photography blog on hold is the very person that is making me consider bringing it back to life: Emalie. She's just too cute and fun to photograph! I've been investing some time and money into creating a "studio" (the quotes represent the fact that what comes up must come down-- so the kids can use the space to play in as well) for myself in our basement (that was the original plan, after all, when we chose to purchase this house). Who knew Home Depot could be such a fabulous resource?! Here are my most recent photos of Emalie. (FYI, I took 121 photos during this session, so yes 12 was all I could narrow it down to!)