I've been doing the math (and more than once....), it's been twenty years (21 if you're splitting hairs....) since I first met Pat. At the time, he was the 3rd Mate on the President Eisenhower, and I was the lowly deck cadet. This was only my second ship (of 4 during my time at the academy....well, 5 if you count the few days I collected aboard the Kings Pointer) during my first 'sea year' (two 6-month periods during sophomore and junior years). Pat was awesome from the get-go. As a Kings Pointer himself (class of '77), he'd been there, done that and actually lived to tell about it-- all with a smile on his face. If you want to hear good stories, Pat's your man. If you heard laughing, you knew Pat was nearby. He taught me all things nautical aboard ship, and took the time to show my sea partner and I around in the ports for a balanced experience. He's an all around great guy that I'm happy to know and call my friend. We've seen lots of changes in the 21 years we have known each other. I knew Pat before he was "Pat and Michelle" (although the 'and Michelle' part was just around the corner). Pat used to liberate me for dinner from the academy when he was passing through Long Island. He and Michelle made the trek from Minnesota to Montana for our wedding. He and Michelle have visited us in more houses than not. He always kept in touch with his famous sea letters he'd write to friends and family reporting stories from his days aboard ship. He'd document it all from weather systems to antics of the seamen. Sven and I enjoyed these letters as they brought back memories of our times at sea. Pat has since retired from the merchant marines and claims he's busier now than ever. (How does that happen? Everyone who has retired says the same thing much to our amazement.) We were pleased to hear from Pat and Michelle over the weekend asking if they could spend the night on their way from the Albuquerque International Balloon Festival (something they participate in annually) back home to Minnesota. "Absolutely!" we said, "come one over!" We hadn't seen Pat and Michelle since they visited us in Maryland. Nik missed their visit (he was in China, you know), but Emalie was happy to have them all to herself. She and Michelle hit it off. Michelle found her way into Emalie's heart by showing her pictures and videos from the balloon festival. The balloon of the "Spider Pig" (a cross between Spiderman and a Pig, of course?!) sealed the deal. As they were driving away the next morning, Emalie kept saying, "I like Michelle." This morning, when I was digging through the archives to scan some pics from sea year for this post, Emalie kept correcting me by saying "his name is Patrick." My response: "I've known him for 20 years and never called him Patrick, he's PAT to me!" LOL....... Isn't life fun? You never know the people that will 'stick' in your life. Some come, some go, some stay awhile and some you know will be lifers. (I know which category these to fall under!) Thanks, Pat and Michelle, you two are awesome. We're so thankful for your friendship! See you next October in Albuquerque (some how, some way)!
President Eisenhower, 1993 |
Smitty, me, Pat and Pete |
Pat, Thanksgiving, 1993 |
Pat showing me around Kobe, Japan |
Capt. Mullen and Pat (fishing the Pilot's hat from down below)-- man was this a funny scene! |
Pat and Michelle, the night before our wedding |
Once a Kings Pointer, always a King Pointer.....hahaha..... |
Emalie and Michelle |
Laughs, smiles and stories all around. |
Michelle and Pat |
mini-KP reunion |