Friday, October 27, 2017

10-14, Candlestick 'glow'

The weather was pretty quirky this year for the fiesta.  I have to admit though, it was way better than I could have hoped for considering it snowed in Colorado two days before we left for New Mexico!  Of the 4 mornings we were there, the last day there was no launch because of the high winds.  Of the 3 nights we were there, there was one full glow, one glow cut short when a balloon got carried away (literally, not figuratively!) and one 'candlestick' glow (glow with no balloons- because of the winds). By the way, did I mention that the fiesta is like a big playground for adults?! I wish videos posted to this blog better (hmm.... I think I'll have to create a workaround for that.... if I remember anyway....) because the stills don't do it justice.  Talk about making lemonade out of lemons!  We just love the 'fun' atmosphere of the fiesta.  Such a good time-- winds or no winds.

Michelle taking charge of the kids and handing out balloon cards. 
"3...2...1.... Pilots Burn!"

Nik and Em in Johann's basket.  The pilots allowed the kids (many, many kids.... not just ours!) to get in the baskets with them for photo opps.  Thanks, guys!!

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