Friday, October 27, 2017

10-12, Night Glow

The evening of our first full fiesta day was the scheduled special shapes glow.  As I've mentioned before, the fiesta delights both old and young alike.  (I liken it to a less stimulating Disneyland!)  It's amazing to see the intricately crafted balloons in a range of shapes, sizes and colors depicting characters and realizing--these things can fly! 

What a sunset to set the glow mood!

This one's for Pat-- he loved this motorcycle balloon. 

What is more interesting to look at-- the balloons (see Humpty Dumpty upside down front and center?) or the faces of the people in the crowd?!

Emalie loved this one.

I laugh every single time I see this photo.  As we were walking around, there was a young couple trailing behind us.  I heard the guy say as we approached this clown balloon, "Now, THAT is the stuff nightmares are made of!!" I couldn't help but laugh at that!

This one is for "Seattle Grandma" in honor of all the years she was "Atlanta Grandma" and working at Coca-Cola!

Emalie's all-time favorite balloon:  Spider Pig!!

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