Tuesday, September 9, 2014

9-9, Time to catch up!

As my phone has become smarter and I have become dumber, I feel like I have joined the masses who take lots of pictures with your phone....and leave them there.  I haven't yet created a system to balance all of the photos I am taking with my phone and cameras.  Therefore, my blog is falling behind and my motivation is lacking. Time to conquer the mess of 'a picture here and a picture there' and 'I know I took a picture of it....Where is it?  Was it on the phone?  The camera?  I don't know!'  Time to get organized so I can once again be on top of our memory keeping!  Heck, if I can keep track of over 1,000 photos taken on a phone and two cameras over the course of a 3+ week trip, surely I can get caught up now.....right? Ready....Set.....ORGANIZE!  I'll meet you back in a few (just a few!), I promise!  Until then, enjoy this funny photo of our quirky kids!

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