Tuesday, September 9, 2014

9-7, Rockies Game

You know what kind of week it's going to be when your best friend tells you she's moving to France.  Yep, France.  And what kind of week is it, you may ask?  As I type this, Emalie is asleep upstairs, Nikolas will soon be coming home from school, Sven is at a class, and....and......our kitchen sink has fallen through the counter and is sitting in the cupboard underneath it with all of the water that was in it at the time.  And what am I doing?  Blogging.  Yep, blogging.  (Ok, in all fairness, I did get as much water out of it as I could....the rest is dripping through the basement ceiling.  Sigh....)  When all else fails, denial is a favored approach in my book.  (I'd post a picture of it here, but that wouldn't help my denial if I were sitting here staring at it, now would it?) I foresee a trip or two to Home Depot when Sven gets home.  Thad was sweet enough to tell me how to fix it, but I don't really feel this is a task I'm up for alone.  I'll wait for the reinforcements to arrive.  So, I digress, staring at my kitchen sink... no longer where it normally is..... is what it feels like when your best friend tells you news such as "I'm moving to France".  It's unsettling.  It took me back to 8th grade when this very same best friend told me her family was moving away (and only a few months before high school started at that!).  So, I'm a lot older and wiser now, right?  Not so much.  I am SO happy for her.  I am SO sad for me.  That really is the long and short of it.  And what, you ask, does this have to do with a baseball game?!  Well, because I'm really thankful that not only did we get to experience another fun family outing this last weekend, but I was so happy that my friend was able to join us.  I'm sure there were a few rows of people around us who weren't so thrilled, because we gabbed the entire time.  We really did enjoy ourselves, and I think everyone else enjoyed the game.  We weren't sure how Emalie was going to handle a baseball game given the length and missing her nap, but she was a trooper.  Nikolas brought a friend, too.  It was a good day -- a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon.  I found out the Rockies even won the game.  LOL...... sigh.....so that's one less time I get to see my friend before she leaves and my kitchen sink is still sitting in the cupboard.  Crap.  What can you do?

Emalie's first baseball game!

Nikolas and his friend.

Emalie has no idea what this 7th inning stretch is all about.

Heather, me and Emalie

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