Wednesday, August 6, 2014

7/6, Edmonds

You know when you take a deep breath, close your eyes and you hear angels singing in your head?  Umm....yeah.....that's exactly how I felt when we arrived at Chris and Nina's house in Edmonds and walked down to the beach.  It was a gorgeous, gorgeous day in Seattle.  The neighborhood beach was small, but the effect very large and profound.  The gut reaction I had was:  "I've come home."  You know the old saying, "go with your gut."  Well, if I were to have followed it this day, I wouldn't have even bothered to go home and pack up my things.  It felt as if this were the place I was meant to be.  Hmm.....should I share these sentiments with my husband who is gearing up for job-hunting after he retires from the Navy in less than 2 years?  I guess I probably should.... but does he feel the same way?  I guess we'll have time for some serious heart-to-heart talks about this subject.  But for now, all I know is the sound of the waves, the feel of the moisture in the air, and the wonderful luck of the warm sun on my face makes this moment perfect.  Oh, Seattle, how I've missed you.

Whidbey Island!  Do you see it in the distance?  That was our home for the first 4 years of our marriage and where Nikolas was born.  We definitely have memories here.

Nina and her husband Chris

Sven, Nina, Mom and Emalie

SIGH.... all this AND getting to watch the ferry.  Lovely, lovely, lovely.

Emalie's first trip to the Sound!

How nice to have a beautiful garden with a view like this?

Mom, Emalie and Nikolas

Well, folks, we're off to a bad start with the whole "we'll stay in Denver after retirement" concept.  Let's see how the next few days play out.  Maybe it will all come full circle..... I sort of hope so-- moving's a lot of work!

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