Saturday, November 17, 2012

11-17, More Life

Look what happens when old brother leaves his Halloween prop out!

Watching the Steelers game with Daddy.

When Sven says "I think I'll make a pot of soup", he's NOT KIDDING!  Look at the size of that pot!  (For those in my family who attended last year's Christmas dinner, think "House of Ham" translated into soup.....).

Who knew cleaning the house and vacuuming under the rugs could create such great photo opps?!

Such a sweet, little face.....

I think she's developing her own sense of style already.  Ok, I chose the outfit, but she got the hat out and put it on all by herself!

Friend or foe--- Abby hasn't decided yet.

Monkey see, monkey do......

Yes, I've become one of those parents who posts ridiculous videos of their kids dancing.
But when it's this cute, how can I not share?!

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