Saturday, November 17, 2012

10-21, Nik and Emalie Session

Good thing I kept my day (night and every hour in between) job (being Mommy, that is) because getting (or attempting to get) portraits of Nikolas and Emalie was pretty much impossible.  Guideline #1 of child photography is always have a second set of hands (and no, those being photographed do not count).  How did I do it?  Solo.  Yep-- stupidly solo!!  Guideline #2-- timing, timing, timing.  I had intended to do their photos during Nikolas' week long fall break. I procrastinated and waited until the last day before school started back up when Emalie was getting over a cold.  "A" for intention but "F" for follow-through!  This 1+ hour with the kids was almost painful!  Looking at the photos should make me smile, but I think these almost make me cringe at the memory.  Ha ha!  

"Mom-- you HAVE to get a picture of this!"

This is hands-down my favorite photo from the session.  Isn't he handsome?!

I do like this one, too!

CLASSIC!  Look at Emalie keeping her blocks from Nikolas (and her adamant expression) and look at Nikolas' expression of dismay/'whatever!'.  I LOVE that they already act like siblings after only three months!

It didn't take long for the smiles and laughter to flow again.
He has such a way with her!

I love Nikolas' dreamy expression in this photo.  He looks really entranced by her storytelling--
and it's funny to think that she doesn't even know how to read!

The evolution of play.......

OK, so maybe they make me smile a little......!

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