Tuesday, October 11, 2016

10-8, Fiesta Faces

We've just returned from another fabulous trip to Albuquerque and the balloon fiesta.  Despite the strong winds, cloudy skies and drenching rain, we had another amazing weekend with these awesome balloon fanatics (of which we are rapidly joining their ranks....).  Last year, I couldn't wait to post the amazing balloon photos.  This year, I'm eager to post the smiles of these wonderful people.  How lucky we are to call them friends.  It's been a rough patch for us lately, and the spirit of these beautiful people have lifted us up just as high as the balloons themselves.  Thanks, everyone, for again welcoming us with open arms and hearts.  We cherish each of you.





Nikolas, Emalie and Michelle

Michelle and Pat

Tina and Andy

Pat, Michelle, Tina and Andy

Me, Michelle, Pat, Hannah, Tina and Andy

Nikolas, Emalie and Pat

Emalie, Danielle, Nikolas and Tina

Tina and Hannah
An anniversary keepsake for us!
Hannah and Leo.
"Smile Leo"..... "How about I fly?!"

 How perfect that the last image of Leo "flying" is the final image of our weekend at the fiesta.  And fly, we did!  

Thank you, Leo and Danielle!!!

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