Sunday, February 7, 2016

2-6, Pics of us minus one

It makes me sad when I hear moms exclaim that they haven't had family photos taken in years-- some times even before the arrival of their youngest kids.  I can't imagine having a deficit of family photos.  I just can't comprehend it!  I love preparing for upcoming sessions and updating our own family photos at the same time.  Here are my favorites from yesterday.  Obviously the 'minus one' is Nik.  The older he gets the harder it is time find him lounging around the house on the weekends.  I can't complain about that though.  It makes me think of the move from Maryland to Colorado.  He had trouble making new friends here and was sad about leaving his good friends back in Maryland.  It was a very hard transition for him.  Now, he's always coming or going and there's always a knock on our door asking if Nik can go to the park and play football or go down to the lake and fish.  Honestly, thank God the countdown to Sven's retirement (51 days) is upon us.  I don't think I could drag Nik though another move or force those rough changes on our sensitive little girl (who already has her own collection of preschool boyfriends-- just ask her).  Keep your fingers crossed, everyone, about Sven's job search and our hopes to stay in Colorado.  I may love Seattle and wish we could move back up to the Puget Sound area, but as a mom I realize that where we need to be at this stage in our lives is right here.  We'll keep you posted!!  By the way, I took these photos less than a mile and a half from our house.  As I've said before, it's not Montana, but it's not too bad! 

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