Tuesday, September 1, 2015

7-11, Vacation: Flathead Chapter

Ok.  Let the flood of blog posts commence.  We have been back from vacation for well over a month now, but with catching up on life, spending the last few days of summer with the kids (and not on the computer), and the commencement of school, it has taken  me a long time to process, organize and edit the photos from our vacation.  On the plus side, all of the photos are ready to be blogged, both on this blog and my photography blog, but on the downside, what do you say after so much time has already passed?!  Please excuse the factual posts which will follow, but you know how hard it is to relive the moment of things once those chapters have been closed.  But, I didn't want to not post and not share our wonderful memories and photos from the trip.  So, let part one begin!  And where do 99% of all of our summer  vacations begin?  You got it-- visiting my parents at Flathead Lake in Montana.  My birthday, my mom's birthday and my mom's mom's birthday (now that's quite a sentence....) all fall within a few weeks of each other.  I love going home during the summer to celebrate all of us, no matter which birthday the visit falls on.  This year, it was planned for my mom's birthday.  We loved celebrating her special day with both my parents, my little family and my brother.  

Driving through Wyoming on our way to Montana.

Emalie happily watching Grandma open her birthday gift.   

What's that I see?  Is dad smiling?!  Oh, right, he's about to eat chocolate brownies.  That explains it.  Hahahaha......

Emalie loves, loves, loves her Uncle Thad.

Now how often do you see a teenage boy hug his Grandma like that?

Anchors Aweigh...... 

Life on the open seas.... I mean, Flathead Lake.

Look at Mom rock that hat!

Grandpa never gets to fish when grandkids are in the boat!

Uncle Thad gave Emalie some awesome private fishing lessons.

This ingenious idea came from the youngest crew member.....who had no idea how 'refreshing' a swim in Flathead Lake is.  LOL.....

And like a bunch a penguins they all jumped in......

My dad and his brother Dennis.

Anybody out there reading this remember Zvonko's brother?  I will never again look at a picture of someone at the helm and not hear the words (with a Yugoslavian accent) saying, "Who's driving the boat?"

Dennis, Lynn, and Burt taking Nik out for an evening fishing trip.

And, Nik hardly ever comes back empty handed when he goes fishing!

Nor does he come home alone-- he makes friends everywhere he goes.

Ooo-la-la.... isn't mom and dad's new motorhome amazing?
Alright, stay tuned for the next stop on the Krauss Haus vacation!

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