This is a funny story. We were sitting out on our back deck for dinner on Friday night. I was studying a condiment bottle on the table (hmm.... 'where did Sven buy that? I haven't seen that before. I wonder if it's spicy.....'), and I felt a rush of feathers and talons on my arm. I screamed like I was being murdered and I needed the police in downtown Denver to come save me. Emalie immediately started crying because I had scared her. I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. The long and short of it, as seen by Sven who saw the whole scene unfold: a baby blue jay, possibly it's inaugural flight, had flown from the nest in our Russian olive tree to the deck, LANDED on my arm, I screamed and scared the poor creature, who again took off in flight to get the heck away from me. He flew to a little tree, where he remained for the next hour.....or more..... he was still there when we headed inside. Now you have to understand, I love these blue jays. I waste a lot of water doing dishes watching them through the kitchen window. I love this time of year when the new babies hatch and I hear their little screeches from up in the tree. I felt so bad that I had traumatized this poor little guy. As long as I didn't weaken his heart too much from the incident (though I can't say the same for mine) then it worked out well because I was able to get up pretty close to him and take his picture. I've been pooped on before by birds (in NY and China), and this time it was an honor to be landed on instead. And, how cool is it that I was then able to photograph him?! I must say we all (even Emalie) got a good laugh about it once our heart rates slowed down. Gotta love nature!
"Baby Blue Jay" |
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