Wednesday, April 30, 2014

4-30, Nik's Brown Belt

Ordinarily, I would bring my camera to one of Nik's belt tests.  Not this time.  There were several reasons:  the studio has moved and the set-up is not as 'film friendly' as the previous one, the higher in ranks Nikolas gets the less I want to distract him, and I wanted to be more present with my own eyes rather than through the viewfinder.  Needless to say, he tested wonderfully and earned his brown belt!!  The next step on his path to black belt is the candidate black belt.  I wonder if it has happened as quickly for him as it has for us, his parents.  But judging by the passage of time for kids, I'm thinking it probably has (ie, Emalie tells endless stories about things that happened 'yesterday'.....or a year ago, but who's counting....).  We're so proud of him and his martial arts studies.  We couldn't be more happy with the school or his Shihan.  He's learning wonderful skills and techniques that will help him as he matures, and not just of the physical nature.  Since I didn't have photos of the actual test, I bargained with Nikolas to get pictures of him in his uniform with his newly acquired brown belt.  You'll notice that recently the only real pictures I get of Nikolas are karate related.  I have learned that a toddler will be the subject of a photo shoot just for the pure sake of being the subject of a photo shoot but that it just isn't so with a pre-teen.  If you can't beat them, join them.....right?!

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