Wednesday, June 19, 2013

6-10, First Fawn!

Talk about being caught off guard!  Sven was talking on the phone to our neighbor (driveway contractor) up the street.  He said to look out the window because a mom and her new fawn were coming our way down the street.  We all rushed to the window and I grabbed my camera quickly.  I didn't even have time to check my camera's settings before snapping this photo.  Consequently, the image was really underexposed, but I was able to salvage this much in Lightroom.  Also, I was shooting with a longer lens, handheld, through the screen on the window, as the two had already headed up another neighbor's driveway across the way.  So, don't knock the quality of the photo, but do enjoy this beautiful moment of a mom and baby, who couldn't have been more than a day old.  Amazing!

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