Friday, October 14, 2011

10-1, Nikolas' Karate

Nikolas is in his second month of karate classes.  He attends 2-3 times a week.  He loves it for what he's learning to do and we love it for what they're teaching him to be.  Although, admittedly, I've said that watching a class reminds me of watching drills during the academy's indoctrination!  =)  No matter the rhyme or reason, for now he loves it.  We were all quite happy that Nikolas received his first stripe (recognizing his attendance of 8 classes in the past month and his first step towards his next belt) during Grandma and Grandpa's visit.  We're very proud of how seriously he takes his karate and how well he does in class.  We hope he keeps up the good work!

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