Wednesday, November 4, 2009

10-31, Happy Halloween!!

Another Halloween come and gone. Can you believe it? Soon I'll be saying that about Christmas. Anyway, we had a good Halloween. As usual, low-key, but I think Nikolas enjoyed himself. He was Snake Eyes (GI Joe) this year.

Ooohhh..... scary!
Nikolas and some friends from the neighborhood. (Funny how there's not much difference from one front porch to the next, huh? Yeah-- our neighborhood is like that.....everything's the same, same, same.)
After half an hour of trick-or-treating, Nikolas surprised us. He said, "No, I'm done. That's all the candy I need." We had to pick up our jaws and walk home-- we were dumbfounded! It was for the best though, as Nikolas had done both mom and dad in with rough playing during the week and I think they were eager to sit down! Nikolas is a great candy distributor. I think he had as much fun giving out candy as he did receiving it.
This picture cracks me up... talk about 'Snake Eyes'.... if you zoom in closer his eyes have a weird glow!!!!
Another de ja vu from last year. We like this tradition of having grandma and grandpa here with us for Halloween!

Nikolas and his best buddies, Danny and Samuel.

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